Yoga ~ the science of self realization

Yoga ~ the science of self realization

“To twist, stretch, and move around is pleasant and enjoyable, a body holiday” Vanda Scarvelli


All classes are $8.00 and are listed in Mountain time zone. Yin Yoga is a calming practice appropriate for all levels, Hatha Slow Flow is more active and appropriate for beginner/intermediate levels. Once you have registered you will be sent my personal zoom room link.

Monday 9-10am Yin Yoga

Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm Hatha Slow Flow

Wednesday 9-10am Hatha Slow Flow

Thursday 12-1pm & 5:30-6:30pm Hatha Slow Flow

Friday 9-10am Yin Yoga

Saturday 9-10am Hatha Slow Flow


The Women’s Gatherings

New online and in person options coming in 2021.

To be put on the waitlist, go to the contact page.

The intention for creating a Women's Gathering came from a place of knowing that women have been gathering and supporting each other for centuries. A place where women can come together, practice yoga, enjoy interesting discussions and workshops, and create lasting friendships is the heart of this program. Dates will be posted here as they are scheduled.

Full Day Women's Gathering

This full day gathering includes light breakfast, opening circle, 3 hour yoga intensive for all levels, healthy lunch, seated massage, special workshops by guest presenters, and a closing circle.  It is a day of relaxation and rejuvenation, perfect for the busy woman. Contact me for further information or to schedule your own Women’s Gathering. NOTE - food is included for in person gatherings.

Half Day Women's Gathering

The day includes tea/coffee, opening circle, 3 hour yoga intensive, healthy lunch, and a special activity after lunch, finishing with a closing circle. Please contact me if you are interested in more information or to schedule your own event.


Ayurveda ~ the science of the health of the body

Ayurveda ~ the science of the health of the body

The Fall Cleanse/Rejuvenation coming October 12, 2020

This program is full!

Ayurvedic Health Coaching Private Session

NOW scheduling private sessions through Zoom.  

Start your journey with Ayurveda to learn how your individual constitution (dosha) affects what choices you make in your daily life. What foods you eat, what lifestyle habits you have, what your sleep pattern is, where you live, and what stage of life you in are just some of the areas to consider. Ayurveda considers many factors that affect your wellness or state of balance / sattva.

Your private session includes a comprehensive assessment and guidance for practices to incorporate into your lifestyle that support your individual needs.

To schedule your individual Ayurvedic Health Counseling session click button below. Once you have registered, I will contact you with my personal zoom link.


Essential oils for total health and wellbeing

Essential oils for total health and wellbeing

New FREE Introduction to Essential Oils 101 October 28 5:30pm & October 31 11am

This FREE class will educate you on the basics of essential oils. We cover sourcing and purity, how to use the most popular oils, and best ways to purchase. Not all essential oils are the same, attend this course and find out why and how to best support your health and wellbeing.

NEW Essential Oil Education Course ~ Creating Health

Watch for our next session in 2021

This new course includes 8 sessions that sets you up for success using your essential oils.

This course is FREE to all doTERRA members who enroll with me, otherwise cost is $45.00 for all 8 sessions. Upon completing all 8 sessions you will receive a certificate of completion and a gift from me.

Each session will cover topics to support you in your health journey and a variety of ways to incorporate essential oils in your daily lives.

Session 1 - The Foundation -I have oils now what?

Session 2 - Immunity & Resiliency

Session 3 - Digestive Health

Session 4 - Glowing Skin

Session 5 - Green Cleaning / Reducing Toxic Load

Session 6 - Pain & Inflammation

Session 7 - Women’s Hormone Health

Session 8 - Sleep & Stress