Happiness in Nature

Happiness in Nature

Vitality Quiz

Choose the response to each statement that best represents your current situation.

Respond as honestly and quickly as you can; try not to overthink it.

1. My sleep is satisfying and I wake refreshed.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

2. I am free of chronic aches and pains.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

3. I have a strong immune system and feel healthy.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

4. I am emotionally balanced and don’t feel stressed or anxious.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

5. I have energy and vitality throughout the day.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

6. My mental focus and memory are quick and sharp.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

7. My hair, skin, nails are healthy and beautiful.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

8. I am at a consistent healthy weight.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

9. I have strong digestion and am free of food sensitivities & digestive upsets.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

10. I have a community of friends and feel loved and supported.

1. Never

2. Seldom

3. Sometimes

4. Usually

5. Always

If you answered 1-2-3 more than 3 times, you need my Foundational Health program

Go to Wellness With Sue YouTube channel and search Foundational Health Pillars. You can also reach out to me directly to work one on one.