Meet the Bonnie Lassies

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One of the blessings I have experienced during this time of COVID is the opportunity for connection with people I may not otherwise have meet.  I am so grateful to first of all, be able to offer my teachings on zoom, and secondly to have people who want to join me.  This is how we stay connected in a time where "social distancing" is required by everyone.  

I wanted to share this picture I took of them last Saturday and their story below with you. Take a moment to read this uplifting testimonial from these 7 beautiful women from around the globe.  

If you want to stay connected with not only me, but other friends (many groups of friends are joining in) I am teaching a full schedule this month, with the intention of continuing into the future.

  • Hatha Slow Flow is for beginner/intermediate students who want to move around

  • Yin Yoga is for anyone who wants a quiet practice to nourish their nervous system

  • Essential oil classes for anyone wanting to learn how essential oils can help support their health and wellbeing. 

I have sent out my schedule and zoom link in other emails, so reach out if you want more information.  Stay connected and safe.  See you on Zoom!

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