Green Clean Living

Beautiful luscious green living

Beautiful luscious green living

This image for me brings up the feeling of super clean living.  This pic was taken in the hills of Pennsylvania during my last visit in the spring.  Can't you smell the fresh air, feel the breeze on your face, hear the quiet?

What does this mean, Green Clean Living?  I was recently involved in a green clean challenge where we were encouraged to look at each area of our living space and redo our products from store bought (even the natural ones have not so great things in them) to home made all natural pure ingredients.

Just like living in the country, you choose simple ingredients to protect the environment you're in.

How fun this was! I didn't realize how doing this challenge would encourage me to clean more!!  Ha! It is a wonderful feeling to know exactly what is in the products you clean with, and how your living space is less toxic because of a little effort.  

Most store bought cleaners contribute to unhealthy reactions in the body such as hystamine responses (runny or clogged nasal passages), low energy levels, headaches, skin irritations, and so much more.  Many times these reactions are so "normal" we don't even realize how daily exposure can contribute to our not feeling so great over time.  

So I thought it would be fun to share a couple simple ideas for you to try.  There are many recipes out there, just make sure all the products you use are all natural, without scents or added ingredients.


Mirror & Window Cleaner

Try this recipe above.  I used lemon essential oil (as it's so cleansing and uplifting) but you can use anyone you like. Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle, shake before using. 

Dish Soap (courtesy of Haley Hobson)

2 cups pure unscented castille soap

20 drops Lime

8 drops Lemon

6 drops Citrus Bliss 

Combine all ingredients together in glass bottle, shake before using

And if you're a bit like me, and are a little lazy with making your own,  there are all natural products at you can purchase.  I've been using this laundry soap for years and it rocks!  On Guard Laundry Detergent is an ultraconcentrated 6X laundry detergent that utilizes the power of doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend and bio-originated enzymes to target and lift stains for amazingly clean clothes.


There you have it.  Simple easy ideas to start your own Green Clean Challenge.  Want more ideas. Go to doTERRA Essential Oil FB page for lots of recipes and DIY projects.


Are you ready?

Aspens are done ~ winter on it's way

Aspens are done ~ winter on it's way

Can you believe it's November!  I know "they" say time flies, but this is crazy!  So who is ready for the fall, holidays, winter? And how to do we navigate through this upcoming season gracefully, or at least without loosing our minds?

Navigate through life

Well, as you know I'm all about yoga, ayurveda, and essential oils.  All of these tools can help you navigate through your life. But you know what is most important?  Your awareness.  If we aren't aware of our own habits, thoughts, and behaviors, how can we even know to make a shift?  We might think our life is suppose to be this way - always stressed out and tired and trying to do too many things at once, or so lethargic and energy depleted we can't get anything done.

But what if you had the ability to see a pattern, either before it got started or just as it was starting, and could create a shift?  Wouldn't that make your life easier?  More manageable?  More happy?

Easy tips

Here are a couple easy tips you can use right away.  Maybe one or more will resinate with you if you stop for a moment and connect to YOU.  Get ready they are SIMPLE! 

Ayurveda ~ create a morning and evening regular routine to anchor your day.  Maybe something as simple as having a cup of warm water with lemon when you wake up, and making a cup of soothing herbal tea before bed or a nighty night drink with warm milk and ayurvedic herbs.  This helps to create a boundary around our day, something we can depend on no matter what.

Yoga ~ simple stretching anytime during the day helps move our lymph (which if accumulated creates toxins in the body) and helps create space in the body to decrease stress and pain.  Try this simple pose, light heartedly called windshield wipers ~ supine (on your back) with arms resting on the floor slightly away from your body, knees bent and wide apart.  Gently let your knees move right and left, creating a twist throught out the hips and spine.  Ahhhh.  This is great to do in the morning and in evening.

Essential Oils ~ you can run a difuser wherever you are (work station, reading chair) with what will help you personally at the time.  During the fall, it's a good idea to difuse a grounding oil.  doTERRA offers many grounding oils, but one of my favorites is Balance.  A blended oil of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil to offer an enticing fragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation.

OK folks, that's it for now.  Remember to breath, smile, and enjoy this beautiful time of year.  Quick before it's gone!