One Month on a CGM

Did you happen to read in my previous blog about my curiosity around what my blood sugar levels were doing and how my lifestyle choices were affecting it? It’s called My Metabolic Health Journey if you want to go read it (the link is at the bottom of the page).

A consistent glucose monitor or CGM is a great way to watch in real time how your food and activities affect your overall glucose levels and fuel source. 

Have you ever wondered why you get tired after a meal, or mid day, or find yourself starving? Have you ever wondered why you don't have the energy to workout? 

Our blood sugar is directly linked to our metabolic health or flexibility. This means our body can use the fuel we eat effectively. When this happens our energy level and focus and concentration are great. When our body has metabolic inflexibility, well it’s not.

I like this analogy of a Prius car. When it needs energy to go it can shift from electricity to gas, quickly and efficiently. This is how our body is suppose to work.

Here is what I learned from 1 month of using a consistent glucose monitor (CGM)

  • The food we eat is the primary factor in managing our glucose levels

  • Foods that affect blood sugar the most for me….bread of any kind, treats of any kind, and pasta. A tuna fish sandwich spiked my glucose levels more than a dessert with dinner

  • When I was stressed it affected my body’s inability to stay in an optimal range

  • When my sleep wasn’t great, my blood sugar crashed during the night. This can be caused from poor breathing or waking many times during the night

  • Walking after a meal really did bring my numbers back down. One day it spike from a breakfast I had, so I went for a 20 minute walk, and it was back in the normal range

  • Fasting kept my blood glucose in the normal range, no matter how long it was

So, I felt my month long journey on the CGM was highly beneficial. And what I learned now, I will apply to my daily food and lifestyle choices.

If I want to have a sweet or a treat, then I need to eat it with a protein and fat heavy meal and make time for a walk.

I don’t necessarily have to live without my favorite things, I just needed to rearrange how I have them to best work for me.

A little bit of movement goes a long way. Walking, biking, and dancing is a wonderful way to stay active and manage your glucose levels.

Building muscle or keeping the muscle you have is another great way to keep a healthy metabolic level. If you’re interested in this topic, I will be offering my Power of Muscle course again in early 2023. This program will be a bit different than the first one, offering various ways to build muscle as we age, and educating women on what our muscle actually does for us (and it’s more than just moving us around ladies).

We polled the women in our FB group, Empowered Living for Women, and the number one issue they were interested in was exercising and yoga for aging women.

Another option I have to offer is our new 20 minute practices. These short practices are great if you don’t have a lot of time but want to workout and move your body.

There are 2 active practices, done in my Shakti Flow style. One for upper body and core, the other one for lower body and core.

The other 2 practices are more calming and wonderful for the nervous system and immune health. We need the calming practices too, for building resilience and being in a healing state.

It’s a great package, and a great gift for you and for a loved one. If you’re interested, click the link below to get more information and to purchase yours. The 4 sessions will come to you via email to use anytime you feel inspired.

My Metabolic Health Journey

I began my metabolic health journey by being curious about my bodies reactions to things like food choices, timing of food, my weight fluctuations, and exercise. What worked for me in the past wasn’t working now. So what’s the deal?

peaceful moment in Santa Fe

What we now know, is our body isn’t as resilient as we age. Aging does affects us, along with our food and lifestyle choices.

In the early days, I used to have coffee and a plain bagel for breakfast (heaven forbid I put something on top of the bagel in the 80’s and the fat free crazy days)! Then of course within an hour or two I’m starving, so I grab another cup of coffee and a donut! As a fit pro back in the day, I could eat anything as long as it didn’t have fat in it.

Do you remember?

So what this did to my body was make it really good at using the sugar I ate for fuel, and not great at using the long sustaining fat for fuel. I then adopted the belief at the time that eating 4-6 mini meals a day to “keep your glucose and energy levels up” was best. Well now we know that was really bad advice, and set us all up for having metabolic inflexibility or dysfunction.

One of my happy places, Rehoboth Beach, DE

So what is metabolic health or metabolic flexibility?

Metabolic flexibility is our body’s ability to have real, sustainable energy. It means our body can efficiently and effectively switch between using carbs and fats for fuel based on availability and need.

Our body uses stored glucose known as glycogen for short quick bursts like running up the steps and fat stores known as ketones for longer activities like walking.

Normally, when we eat a balanced food plan, we burn a combination of fats and carbs to meet our body’s energy demands. Metabolic inflexible individuals are usually fueled mostly by glucose (sugar) and their bodies are not able to adequately tap into their fat stores and adapt to metabolic needs.

There are many factors that affect our metabolic health. Along with our lifestyle and our food, researchers believe our mitochondria number and function play a crucial role in determining metabolic flexibility.

Our mitochondria is in every cell in our body. Mitochondria, when functioning optimally, will produce ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), our energy source needed for all functions. But mitochondria can become unhealthy, even die off, leaving us with limited fuel sources and a condition called ICE or Insufficient Cellular Energy.

This can lead to metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and much more.

Every disease and almost all biological aging can be tied back to mitochondrial health. 

Sue loves the ocean – Oregon coastline

What does this mean to you? 

It can mean that you lack sufficient good energy, have brain fog, have cravings and hunger, have difficulty managing your weight, and most importantly struggle to manage blood sugar levels.  

What we know is that if you have unstable blood sugar, it may not show up on your lab work and can go on for decades before detected. This will lead to increased fat cells and accelerated aging!

What can you do to improve your mitochondria health and metabolic flexibility?

  1. Build healthy muscle - you can at any age! You know who can help you with that - ME!

  2. Food is medicine - food choices will either make you sick or make you well. The research shows you need ample protein, fat, and fiber for optimal blood sugar levels, carbs last.

  3. Meal spacing (what Ayurveda calls intermittent fasting) - research has shown that fasting between meals can support healthy glucose levels. This type of eating is very supportive to our mitochondrial health and metabolic flexibility for a balanced healthy state of sustained energy. 

  4. Detoxing - periodic cleanses and detoxes can reset your system, allowing not only your digestion to reset but your metabolism to optimize your food for fuel and energy.

  5. Lastly, a simple act of taking a short walk (10 minutes) after dinner can greatly support your metabolic function. This walk is leisurely, not a power walk, which helps to keep you in a calm nervous system response, our “rest and digest” and help our body utilize the food we just ate properly.

Hydrate for optimal energy levels

Back to my story……

So I began researching ways to monitor my own glucose levels, as I became confused with what and how to eat. Morning protein smoothies weren’t working, exercise left me exhausted, good carbs made me crash…I needed a way to monitor my actions to determine what was happening in real time.

This is why I purchased a Continuous Glucose Monitor or CGM. This simple device attached to the back of my arm, hooked up the the app on my phone, allowed me to eat, exercise, walk after meals, to see what was happening.

I’ve been wearing it for 10 days, and I have learned so much already!

What I have learned to date –

First, everyone is an individual, so what works for me most likely may not work for you - which is why it’s so important to monitor your own behavior.

I learned I NEED protein at every meal, in the way of animal protein, not the protein in yogurt or cheese or beans. When I don’t have this, my glucose spikes way up, I get a warning from the app (what happened?), and I need to go for walk to move the needle down.

Walking after a meal really does move the number down to a more optimal range. Only 10-20 minutes is needed to make a huge impact.

I learned that heavy exercise on an empty stomach (something I used to do all the time) does not work. Post workout I am exhausted, have brain fog, and basically feel lousy. So now I eat, wait an hour or so, then exercise….and I keep my exercise at a moderate level.

I learned that I need to keep my muscle mass healthy, that I feel better when I strength train, not crazy hard workouts, but specific training as muscle is considered the organ of longevity. And it only takes 20-30 minutes, the long hour long workouts aren’t optimal for me (or for most people actually).

I learned I need supports for my body, like supplements that target metabolic health. It was a total coincidence that doTERRA (you know I love their products) released a new product line called MetaPWR. These products are designed to help you keep even glucose levels, decrease the acceleration of aging, improve sleep, brain fog, energy, and weight management.


I share my story with you because if you’re not feeling great, metabolic health may be a factor, and what you’re doing isn’t working. And if you don't figure it out now, it will be harder later on.

I share my story to connect….we know that we connect through our stories more than through information.

I’ll keep you posted on my journey. To date I feel so much better, have lost a few pounds, don’t have my huge mood swings, and have sustained energy and focus throughout the day!

Be well my friends ~ Namaste


Lotus Flower rising up toward the light

Lotus Flower rising up toward the light

Recently I was taking a walk in our beautiful Santa Fe green space, and I began to contemplate the idea of fear. During this current time of COVID-19, fear is everywhere. You see it on people’s faces, you hear it in the news, and you wonder what will happen to us as humans living in this new normal.

Have you ever thought of fear as an acronym?

FEAR - Forget Everything And Run

FEAR - Face Everything And Rise

When I began to consider this idea, I realized that we have a choice. Each and every moment that fear shows up, and it will, we can choose to run or we can choose to rise.

When we are in Forget Everything And Run mode, we are in fight or flight! We see the thing, we fill with cortisol and adrenaline and we run and hide. We don’t want to face it as it’s scary and brings up tremendous reaction in the body/mind.

When we are in Face Everything And Rise mode, we are calm and can RESPOND rather than REACT to any given situation. Our mind is clear and we can think logically. Our lives feel easier, and we can handle the situation, even though there is much challenge around us.

Of course we would all love to be in the Rise mode, but it can be extremely challenging. Most likely we have had years of creating this response in our bodies. This is a time of non-judgement, this is an unconscious pattern as a reaction to our past experiences. Now is the time to have self compassion and begin to shift our habits.

So what can we do to shift?

Mindfulness comes to mind, stopping and taking a few deep breaths before saying anything or reacting comes to mind, daily meditation to train the mind to be in a calm state regularly comes to mine, taking great care of our selves comes to mind. So there are things we can do, to help us shift from Run to Rise.

Do you have a practice you can rely on? It can be hard with all the distractions of today’s world. As a yoga teacher I might suggest you take a yoga class or do some yoga to move your body and release some of the long held tensions we carry. As someone who believes in the power of meditation, I might suggest you find a simple daily practice to help train your mind. As an ayurvedic counselor I might suggest you look at your daily habits and choose only profound self care instead of sabotage.

Of course if you need any help, you know I’m here for you right? And if you’re interested in being part of a healing community of like minded beings, you have found the right place. Some of the programs available are:

The Power of Meditation 6 week Course ~ June 11-July 16, 2020

Online Yoga Classes 6 days / week

Private Online Coaching Sessions

Weekly Online Essential Oil Education Classes

Soon to come ~

New Advanced Chakra Energy Course

New Podcast with Co-host Chris Lean

I do hope you choose this new idea of FEAR - Face Everything And Rise ~ and join me if you like somewhere online as it’s easier to shift with a group rather than alone. Namaste

Meet the Bonnie Lassies

Bonnie Lassies.png

One of the blessings I have experienced during this time of COVID is the opportunity for connection with people I may not otherwise have meet.  I am so grateful to first of all, be able to offer my teachings on zoom, and secondly to have people who want to join me.  This is how we stay connected in a time where "social distancing" is required by everyone.  

I wanted to share this picture I took of them last Saturday and their story below with you. Take a moment to read this uplifting testimonial from these 7 beautiful women from around the globe.  

If you want to stay connected with not only me, but other friends (many groups of friends are joining in) I am teaching a full schedule this month, with the intention of continuing into the future.

  • Hatha Slow Flow is for beginner/intermediate students who want to move around

  • Yin Yoga is for anyone who wants a quiet practice to nourish their nervous system

  • Essential oil classes for anyone wanting to learn how essential oils can help support their health and wellbeing. 

I have sent out my schedule and zoom link in other emails, so reach out if you want more information.  Stay connected and safe.  See you on Zoom!

2020-Sue Schmitt-testimonial.png


Do you know anything about Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga, yep, and it’s pretty important to understand. Simply put Yoga is considered the Science of the Mind, and Ayurveda is considered the Science of the Body. So they team up pretty well together.

Ayu = Life

Veda = knowledge

So you can say it’s the Study or Knowledge of Life!  As you can imagine this is a huge concept and complicated study. For today, lets keep it focused on the body and how you can get started understanding this amazing system.

Ayurveda is a medical science with it’s purpose to heal and enhance the quality and longevity of life.

Ayurveda has been practiced for thousands of years in India, and is only recently becoming more well known here in the west.  The teachings from long ago are proving true today, blending the ancient study of Ayurveda with current science.  

Life = meaning all life and everything to do with nature.  Ayurvedic teachings tell us that we are a combination of the natural elements which are earth, water, fire, air, either.  And when we fall ill or are in dis-ease we are actually out of balance with our own natural elements.  

How do we know what our natural elements are or what our natural balance is?  When we look at Ayurveda we are looking at the qualities or natures of our own individual selves. You can consider we are a microcosm of a huge macrocosm!

A simple way to sense the elements within us is to rub your hands together vigorously for about 1 minute to create friction and heat. Then put your hands up to your face and see what you notice. The heat is fire; the friction and tingling is air/either; the slight sweat on your palms is water; the solid palms themselves are the earth.

Prakriti - how we are born into the world.  We are all born with a certain balance of the natural elements.  

Vrikruti - how we are now and usually not the same as when we were born. Life circumstance, habits, location of where we live now, all kinds of things contribute to this shift from our natural state.

We can all look at our lifestyles and see how we may be different now than when we were younger.  We realize we are not just older, but systems aren’t as strong and vital, which by the way isn’t normal!

When working with Ayurveda we look at our daily habits and our constitution (balance or not) and make lifestyle choices to support our total wellbeing.

“According to Ayurveda, health is a continuous and participatory process that embraces all aspects of life; physical, mental, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, familial, social, and universal.  Achieving balance on all levels of being is the true measure of vibrant health”.

This means we are part of our own healing and also part of our own dis-ease.  We don’t just get sick.  Our body has an innate intelligence to come back to balance, as long as it’s given the proper support.  

As an example; let’s say you had the habit of going to bed really late, and having to get up really early for work, and this was your daily habit.  Over time your body starts to react - you feel sluggish and tired, so you drink coffee or an energy drink through out the day to keep going. Do this long enough and the body can’t keep up, so systems start to break down.  Like your immune system gets compromised and you get a viral infection, or you start to notice your balance is off and you end up falling and injuring yourself. These are simple examples of how what we do affects the function of our body, and how easy it is to ignore until the message is too loud!

I love Ayurveda because it doesn’t label us as bad or good, it just looks at our natural balance and offers lifestyle choices, food, and sometimes herbs to help bring us back to balance.  

How can we figure out our natural elements or our constitutions? 

Ayurveda calls our constitution the Dosha’s. There are many quizzes online you can take to help you identify your individual nature or dosha.

Here is a simple QUIZ you can take right away.

There are 3 Dosha’s; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We are a combination of all 3, but have primary natures which categorizes us into usually one Dosha. 

Vata - natural elements of air/either

Pitta - natural elements of fire/water

Kapha - natural elements of water/earth

When you take a quiz, you can get an idea as to what Dosha you are.  When I first learned about this, I was excited to learn my specific Dosha, and if I got out of balance, there were simple things to do that can bring me back into balance.  

And what happens if we ignore this balance?  We get sick, or injured, or get depressed or have anxiety.  We do not need to live in suffering especially when we can add simple lifestyle practices or a shift in food to help us get back to our natural balance.  

This is why I love Ayurveda so much.  It allows us to be humans and have experiences and then make adjustments if we go out of balance.  Keep It Simple Sweetie (KISS).

Curious? Want to learn more? You can go to my YouTube Channel - Wellness with Sue to watch my vdeo’s on Ayurveda and the 3 Doshas. You can also reach out to me via the contact page to request a consultation.

Focused Friday


I’ve re-created my Fridays to “Focused Friday” get stuff done day! Most people might consider Friday part of the weekend, therefore not being very productive, and looking more to the fun of the weekend.  

If you work, you may be part of this group, like me.  I have found that Monday’s and Friday’s can be amazing high focus days.  What do you need to get done?  If you don’t work, is there “wasted time” spent through out the day, when you have other more important things you want to do?  This focused day idea can work for anyone. 

Is it self care (like a commitment to exercise), or cleaning, or organizing (my hardest part)?  Do you need a focus day to get stuff done?  What day would that be for you?

I challenge you to create a focus day for yourself, then commit to it for a few weeks and see if it doesn’t start to help you feel lighter and have more free time.  I know when I do this, I have more time to do what I enjoy, rather than not having enough time or feeling overwhelmed.

Recently I heard a podcast from a functional medicine doctor, Chris Kesser M.S. L.Ac, where he challenged the listener to notice how much time is spent chasing notifications or other people’s requests.  How much we loose when we are not focused on our own needs and things we want or need to get done. This really spoke to me, as I can have this tendency.  When I react to others I don’t get any focused work done, it’s just busy work. Kind of like picking up clutter around the house, when you know you need to do a deep clean. 

I’ll be excited to hear if you created your own focus day and if it works for you! Stay tune…I’ll report how it’s going in a few weeks.

Yoga News


This past Saturday I offered a Yoga Therapeutics Workshop that focused on healthy function of the hips & hamstrings.  Weren't able to make it?  Here are some of the highlights.

The function of your hips and hamstrings need a balance of strength (stability) and flexibility (ease). Most of us have too much of one and not enough of another.  What happens if we are not balanced?  Pain or dysfunction in the hips, low back, and knees is the most problematic issue, along with limited range of motion and function in our daily lives.  

The 3 Basic Steps for creating balance.

1.  Roll away tension and tightness with a tennis ball (or other firm ball) along your hamstrings (back of thighs) and large area of the hips and buttocks. These "trigger areas" in our fascia or connective tissue can create tightness that no amount of stretching can release.

2. Gently stretch the area using a technique called PNF.  This technique asks you to gently contract the muscle at it's end range of motion, then release the contraction to encourage a little deeper movement or stretch, helping the muscle to move out of it's habitual pattern.  

3. When practicing yoga or stretching, use a combination of stretching and contracting to create the best results.  Stabilizing in a pose or stretch helps the joint feel stable, while stretching helps to create more fluidity.  

Have a comment or need more guidance, please reach out, I'd love to hear from you.

Self Care is the new Health Care

Journey of my Best Life


Hi from Santa Fe,

2018 has been interesting.  In the beginning of the year, I thought I had a plan for my future. Then something shifted, and my best life's path became clearer.

After moving to Santa Fe 3 years ago, I basically needed to re-create myself here in Santa Fe. While living in Annapolis MD I became successful working as an Integrative Health & Fitness Professional, founded a successful Yoga Studio, and ran retreats and workshops.  Then I moved to Santa Fe.  I didn't really want the same life I had in MD, it was busy and stressful much of the time. I knew I needed to do something different, but what?

I became a Certified Yoga Therapist and a Board Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor.  This helped me develop a strong foundation at a professional level while meeting new people here in NM. Something I thought would help me build my community.

Don't get me wrong, I love living in Santa Fe. But have you ever moved to a completely new town, where no one knows you, so you have to slowly create your community, one friend and acquaintance at a time.  And it may not end of looking like what you imagined!

Which is what happenedPart of my re-creation became clear when I decided to seriously partner with doTERRA, what I believe to be a "high vibration" company that serves people worldwide.  It feels wonderful to work with other like minded people, to not be the only one on the train.  You've heard from me before about this company and it's products, now I'd like to share with you my desire to be not only physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy, but also financially healthy working with doTERRA. 

Physically Healthy

You know I haven't purchased a single over the counter drug or medicine in over 3 years?  You know why?  First, I have worked hard to build a stong immune system; eating well, exercising, getting enough rest, etc.  And I have been using doTERRA supplements and oils internally to build this strong system. Then when or if I do get a symptom of some kind, I just reach for an oil!  Digestive upset - DigestZen to the rescue.  A little stuffy - Breathe is my best remedy.  Having trouble falling asleep - Serenity quiets my mind and body.  Of course I use other modalities too, like yoga and being out in nature.  But having products that are all natural and pure helps make taking care of myself so much safer.

Mentally Healthy

The same is true for my mental stability.  Of course I practice various activity (yoga is my optimal choice currently) along with meditation and breath work. I also use the oils that can stabilize and quiet the mind.  Balance is wonderful for feeling grounded and steady. Lavender or Bergamot is calming and relaxing.  Anxiousness?  I reach for Vetiver or Lavender.

Emotionally Healthy

Our emotions flow through us all the time, it is constant energy.  Our job is to notice them, but not attach to them.  Easier said than done I know.  But when or if I need some emotional support, I reach for the Emotional Aromatherapy System.  Peace, Motivate, Cheer, Passion, Console, and Forgive are all at the ready for when I need them.

Financially Healthy

Not everyone knows or believes you can earn an income with doTERRA.  Want to get your oils paid for?  You can do that.  Want to keep your job and earn a passive supplemental income?  You can do that too!  Want to quit your job and earn a totally great income selling doTERRA and sharing the gifts of the earth?  Yep you have that opportunity also.  I decided to partner my skills and build a business with doTERRA, as I wanted to generate income while I'm not teaching.  I have found that if you want a life of bliss, you have to visualize it, then create it, one day at a time.  This is how I built my private and group work, my yoga studio, and now doTERRA.

I am sharing this information with you because I really wanted to share how valuable working for and with a company that aligns with my own values and heart as a human is to me.  I feel good doing the work I'm doing, sharing and caring for folks near and far, using my yoga and fitness background, my ayurvedic practices, and my continued learning on essential oils. 

Want 2019 to be the year you move toward living your best life?  Healthy, happy, and financially stable?  Lets go for it!  Join me in the discussion on what you can and want to do to make this next year YOUR best year.  

Green Clean Living

Beautiful luscious green living

Beautiful luscious green living

This image for me brings up the feeling of super clean living.  This pic was taken in the hills of Pennsylvania during my last visit in the spring.  Can't you smell the fresh air, feel the breeze on your face, hear the quiet?

What does this mean, Green Clean Living?  I was recently involved in a green clean challenge where we were encouraged to look at each area of our living space and redo our products from store bought (even the natural ones have not so great things in them) to home made all natural pure ingredients.

Just like living in the country, you choose simple ingredients to protect the environment you're in.

How fun this was! I didn't realize how doing this challenge would encourage me to clean more!!  Ha! It is a wonderful feeling to know exactly what is in the products you clean with, and how your living space is less toxic because of a little effort.  

Most store bought cleaners contribute to unhealthy reactions in the body such as hystamine responses (runny or clogged nasal passages), low energy levels, headaches, skin irritations, and so much more.  Many times these reactions are so "normal" we don't even realize how daily exposure can contribute to our not feeling so great over time.  

So I thought it would be fun to share a couple simple ideas for you to try.  There are many recipes out there, just make sure all the products you use are all natural, without scents or added ingredients.


Mirror & Window Cleaner

Try this recipe above.  I used lemon essential oil (as it's so cleansing and uplifting) but you can use anyone you like. Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle, shake before using. 

Dish Soap (courtesy of Haley Hobson)

2 cups pure unscented castille soap

20 drops Lime

8 drops Lemon

6 drops Citrus Bliss 

Combine all ingredients together in glass bottle, shake before using

And if you're a bit like me, and are a little lazy with making your own,  there are all natural products at you can purchase.  I've been using this laundry soap for years and it rocks!  On Guard Laundry Detergent is an ultraconcentrated 6X laundry detergent that utilizes the power of doTERRA On Guard Protective Blend and bio-originated enzymes to target and lift stains for amazingly clean clothes.


There you have it.  Simple easy ideas to start your own Green Clean Challenge.  Want more ideas. Go to doTERRA Essential Oil FB page for lots of recipes and DIY projects.


Are you ready?

Aspens are done ~ winter on it's way

Aspens are done ~ winter on it's way

Can you believe it's November!  I know "they" say time flies, but this is crazy!  So who is ready for the fall, holidays, winter? And how to do we navigate through this upcoming season gracefully, or at least without loosing our minds?

Navigate through life

Well, as you know I'm all about yoga, ayurveda, and essential oils.  All of these tools can help you navigate through your life. But you know what is most important?  Your awareness.  If we aren't aware of our own habits, thoughts, and behaviors, how can we even know to make a shift?  We might think our life is suppose to be this way - always stressed out and tired and trying to do too many things at once, or so lethargic and energy depleted we can't get anything done.

But what if you had the ability to see a pattern, either before it got started or just as it was starting, and could create a shift?  Wouldn't that make your life easier?  More manageable?  More happy?

Easy tips

Here are a couple easy tips you can use right away.  Maybe one or more will resinate with you if you stop for a moment and connect to YOU.  Get ready they are SIMPLE! 

Ayurveda ~ create a morning and evening regular routine to anchor your day.  Maybe something as simple as having a cup of warm water with lemon when you wake up, and making a cup of soothing herbal tea before bed or a nighty night drink with warm milk and ayurvedic herbs.  This helps to create a boundary around our day, something we can depend on no matter what.

Yoga ~ simple stretching anytime during the day helps move our lymph (which if accumulated creates toxins in the body) and helps create space in the body to decrease stress and pain.  Try this simple pose, light heartedly called windshield wipers ~ supine (on your back) with arms resting on the floor slightly away from your body, knees bent and wide apart.  Gently let your knees move right and left, creating a twist throught out the hips and spine.  Ahhhh.  This is great to do in the morning and in evening.

Essential Oils ~ you can run a difuser wherever you are (work station, reading chair) with what will help you personally at the time.  During the fall, it's a good idea to difuse a grounding oil.  doTERRA offers many grounding oils, but one of my favorites is Balance.  A blended oil of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile with Fractionated Coconut Oil to offer an enticing fragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation.

OK folks, that's it for now.  Remember to breath, smile, and enjoy this beautiful time of year.  Quick before it's gone!